Clash of Clans Bases

clash of clans bases

Getting more stars or trophies and winning in attacks with good strategies isn’t enough for dominating in the Clash of Clans until your base design properly defends your home village from attackers. Upgrading your walls, defenses, and buildings is mandatory, but strategically designed Clash of Clans Bases are the key to defeating attackers.

We provide a wide range of top Clash of Clans layouts for all Townhall and Builder hall levels. These coc bases will never let your opponent do much damage on your base and get victory over you. Copy the best Clash of Clans Bases with links.

Clash of Clans Townhall Bases

As we all know the Townhall is the main attraction of the game because it is the heart of the village, so the base designs for the townhall village must be well-planned and well-structured. Each level of the townhall brings new unlocks and you step into a new world of strategies with it.

Hence updating the townhall base is necessary for every player because it plays an effective role in the progress of both war and farming. Explore our extensive collection of townhall bases from TH3 to the latest townhall level to protect your resources, defend against attacks, and be among the top players.

clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases

Clash of Clans Builder Hall Bases

Just like the townhall, the builder hall also needs to transform its base layout to play effectively in versus battles. The base design in the builder base is distinct from home village bases due to its different gameplay mechanisms and offensive & defensive strategies. Builder hall base is significantly different from your home village and brings new challenges.

Join the countless Clash of Clans Bases and maximize your success in the game. We also offer multi-stage bases for base 2.0 designed by advanced base design techniques. Copy the best Clash of Clans bases for any builder hall levels from BH3 to BH10.

  • COC Bases BH10
  • COC Bases BH9
  • COC Bases BH8
  • COC Bases BH7
  • COC Bases BH6
  • COC Bases BH5
  • COC Bases BH4
  • COC Bases BH3
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases
clash of clans bases

Clash of Clans

Clash of Clans, the epic combat strategy game is the most favorite video game among all ages worldwide. This incredible game was developed by Supercell, on 2nd August 2012. The game is somehow technical but is still alive after so many years of its release.

The engaging gameplay, attractive graphics, regular updates, supportive community, latest seasons, real-world events, unique ideas, and wonderful features are the main reasons for the popularity of Clash of Clans.

Clash of Clans Bases – Strategic Designs

Mastering the base design in Clash of Clans not only requires a strong defensive approach but also more effective planning with a deep understanding of attacking strategies. The design of your base can significantly impact your success.

 A well-structured townhall base is crucial for:

  • Defending against Wars/CWL (Clan War League).
  • Upgrading the game levels.
  • Proceeding through leagues.
  • Protecting resources from attacks.
  • Securing stars and trophies from raids.

Here are demo videos for an easy understanding of our defensive COC layouts.

Types of Bases

There are several types of bases in Clash of Clans serving different purposes. Understanding these types will help you design a base that meets your specific defensive needs. We analyze the specifications of all units and position the buildings, traps, defenses, resources, walls, and heroes according to their role in attacking and defending against the attackers.

Our dedicated team remembers all these strategies and approaches to design Clash of Clans bases which we categorized into several types of coc base layouts.

  • Clash of Clans Farming Bases
  • Clash of Clans War Bases
  • Clash of Clans Clan War League Bases
  • Clash of Clans Hybrid Bases
  • Clash of Clans Anti-air Bases
  • Clash of Clans Anti-trophy Bases
  • Clash of Clans Anti-2 star Bases
  • Clash of Clans Anti-3 star Bases
  • Clash of Clans Funny/Art Bases

Clash of Clans Farming Bases

Farming bases are optimized to protect resources like gold, elixir, and dark elixir. The Town Hall is often placed outside the walls with some main defenses. Storages are placed inside to protect by arranging them with high-damage defenses to minimize resource loss.

Clash of Clans War Bases

War bases are designed to defend against attacks during clan war leagues. The main goal is to prevent the enemy from achieving a three-star attack and to protect key buildings such as the Town Hall, Clan Castle, and Eagle Artillery.

Clash of Clans Anti-2 Star War Bases

Anti-2 star bases are structured not to letthe attacker get more than one star. We do so by making the Town Hall difficult to reach and heavily protected.

Clash of Clans Anti-3 Star War Bases

We design these coc layouts focusing on spreading out defenses and traps to make the base hard for attackers to get three stars.

Clash of Clans Hybrid Bases

Hybrid bases combine the features of farming and war layouts to balance between the protection of resources and defending against trophy-pushing attacks. These designs are useful to secure Town Hall and resource storages such as gold, elixir, and dark elixir storage.

Clash of Clans Anti-Air / Anti-Electro Bases

These bases are specifically designed to defend against air attacks, particularly from strong air troops like Electro Dragons, Balloons, and Lava Hounds. We place air-defending units in the right areas like air sweepers, air defenses, and seeking air mines by analyzing their ability.

Clash of Clans Funny Bases

These bases are designed for fun and creativity, often involving unusual coc layouts. Funny or art bases may not be effective in for defense but add a fun element to the game. Unique and entertaining layouts may be used to troll the attackers or share in the community to showcase creativity.

Clash of Clans Base Building Defensive Strategies

Designing an effective coc base in Clash of Clans requires strategic thinking and a deep understanding of the gameplay. No matter what is your basic need for coc layout, implementing strong defensive strategies while designing a good base is key. Our team considers many defensive strategies when designing Clash of Clans bases. Some of the important points to implement are as follows:

Centralized Town Hall

Placing the Town Hall in the center of the base and surrounded by multiple layers of defenses and walls makes it harder for attackers to reach and destroy it. We place key defenses like the Clan Castle, X-Bows, and Inferno Towers around the townhall to provide strong defense.


We divide bases into multiple compartments or sections using walls. These sections slow down attackers and force them to break through several layers of defenses. We place traps and high-damage defenses inside these compartments to destroy enemy troops as they progress through the base.

Positioning Air Defense

To cover all areas in the base layout, we distribute different air-defensive buildings like air sweepers, air defenses, and seeking air mines. Try to place them behind other defenses to protect them from being easily damaged by air troops.

Strategic Trap Placement

Place traps such as bombs, giant bombs, air bombs, spring traps, and seeking air mines in the entrance points of the base and compartments. Try to use multiple traps on single positions to surprise the attacker with massive damage.

Resource Protection

Spreading out the storages and resource buildings is also a good technique to keep in mind while designing a good base. It helps to prevent the attacking troops from getting all our resources at once. Keeping them behind the strong defenses is more powerful for farming purposes. Placing some of them in less-secured areas can also distract the enemy.

Hero and Clan Castle Placement

Strategic planning to position the heroes can be useful due to their defensive abilities. Placing them in the central or covered compartments can maximize the defense against attackers. Clan Castle should also be at the point where its troops can attack against the opponent and destroy its troops.

Updating Clash of Clans Layouts

Updating a townhall or builder hall base is rather important especially after upgrading the townhall/builder hall, when any game update occurs, or even after analyzing your own base capability. Whenever Clash of Clans launches new updates our expert team redesigns all the coc bases & refines existing coc layouts. Here are some advanced tips and tricks to analyze and update your village base layout.

  • It must be effective for both war and farming.
  • Observe role-specific strategies while positioning the heroes and defenses.
  • Observe top players’ bases.
  • Find out common mistakes by watching replays and exploring solutions.
  • Effectively use traps at particular places to surprise the attacker.

Clash of Clans Updates

Whenever Supercell wants to add something new to the game or has to make changes in the gameplay, they release new updates. Sometimes it is really something new in the game like a new townhall level, new hero, new pet, or anything.

Sometimes they just have to make changes in upgrading time & cost reduction, and balance changes to overcome the latest and older troops, buildings, and many other units of the army. We stay engaged with all these fresh things in the game and provide players with complete information accordingly.

Clash of Clans Seasons & Events

Every month Clash of Clans introduces brand new seasons and events in the game, usually inspired by any real-world event. These coc seasons and coc events are some sort of fun, sometimes related to global cultures, festivals, or even fictional engagements. Clash of Clans never lets its players fed up. It always brings new exciting adventures and challenges and this is the main reason behind its success. Just because of its regular updates and fresh content it is the most playable game still after 12 years of its release.


Whether you need a strong war base, resource-protecting farming base, creative art or funny base, or any type of Clash of Clans base, you just have to visit Clash of Clans Bases and click on your desired base design. It will automatically implement to your game village and you can defend your townhall or builder hall with these well-planned and trusted coc layouts. Stay engaged with us to get the latest updates, seasons, events, wiki, and players guide. Keep clashing Chief!


  1. Are Clash of Clans Base links safe or not?

The base links are created within the game, allowing players to share and copy base layouts easily. You just have to copy coc layouts from reliable platforms like “Clash of Clans Bases”.

2. How to copy the best Clash of Clans bases?

    • Go to
    • Choose your townhall or builder hall.
    • Open the layout.
    • Click the button “Copy the layout”.
    • After clicking on the button, it will open the game.
    • Click on the base where you want to paste it.

    3. Where to get new and updated coc bases?

      Our dedicated team keeps an eye on the latest updates, balance changes, new buildings, and new defenses, and updates or redesigns the coc bases for players to get the latest Clash of Clans layouts.

      4. How to unlock the Builder Hall?

        Townhall 4 opens a new village base “Builder Base” where players can build and upgrade buildings, focusing on one-on-one attacks. The main building in this base is the Builder Hall. Similar to the town halls, the builder hall can be upgraded.

        5. When to change or update my coc layout design?

          You should update the latest coc layout after the townhall or builder hall upgrade, unlocking new defenses, game updates, and also when you found your base is not defending strongly.

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